Episode 8: Marcos cars’ link with an MG M Type trialling record and why 80s cars are fetching the big money

This week, we talk to Chris Marsh, son of the founder of Marcos cars about the anniversary of an incredible record set by his Grandfather in a 1930 MG M Type on the Beggars Roost trialling section 90 years ago.

We have the latest Coronavirus advice and guidance for car clubs as of May and June 2020.

Plus, we discuss why 80s cars are fetching more at Auction and MG Motor’s ambitious targets to sell a million cars before the centenary of MG.

Adam Sloman also shares another fact about Kimber House in Abingdon, home of the MG brand.

We reveal new Car Covers in merchandise, plus MG Benji returns and a great wooden sign for your garage collection, or living room!

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Episode 9 MG India on the future and everything you need to know about our MGCC car covers


Episode 7 The MG Cyberster Concept and an MG collection in the USA